I Am Awake in the Garden of Dreams, Saturday August 18

DAC member and curator Roy Anthony Shabla has been invited to curate a show during the La Puente Art Walk this Saturday, August 18th.  The show features artists that have shown here in Downey in previous DAC events and is sure to be an experience not to be missed.  If you have plans to venture out of Downey this weekend, this should be your destination.  All the details are spelled out below:

when asked if he were a god or a man, the buddha replied: i am awake!

galleRoy @ R i T Gallery

is proud to present

i am awake in the garden of dreams

featuring artwork by

Gennie Prochazka

Sylvia Lopez

Roy Anthony Shabla

and live music by

Blac Jesus and the Experimentalists

Mike San Juan  ~  Adapt  ~  Rainman  ~  Take Pictures

Dirty Harriet and the Swamis  ~  Radios

VVIHT FVZZ Din Gle  ~  Mothers of Gut

Nicholas Chacón  ~  Pan, dithyramb, and things

White Owl Brown  ~  N O W  ~  Death Lens


50 gift bags  ~  hourly raffles  ~  other giveaways

in conjunction with the

La Puente Artwalk

saturday  .  august 18th  .  2pm to 10pm (plus after party)

R i T Gallery

15866 main street  .  la puente 91744

dress as your favorite god or goddess!

art and art event curated by roy anthony shabla  .  music curated by gabriel armenta

sponsors:  nuvein foundation for literature and the artsr i t gallerytrunk trends galleroy @

By Downey Arts Coalition

Downey Arts Coalition is a movement of several people, however this website is currently managed and updated by Andrew J Wahlquist.

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