Warren High Band director David Niemeyer has organized an exciting event at the Downey Theatre next Wednesday March 23rd. You may have heard about the recent Japanese earthquake. I’ll let his words explain.
“Over a year ago I was contaced by a company in Tokyo that helps groups have joint concert experiences/ trips. I’m guessing they are much like a student travel organization. They told me that there was a band interested in coming to the Los Angeles area having an exchage/ joint concert with an American High School band. The truth is that I don’t know how they found Warren HS. We have a website. www.warrenband.org that has over the years helped gain us attention, so I’m assuming that this was possibly the way they found us.
“Of course I was interested was my reaction and so began the plans. All plans have been made via email for this experience. The band that is coming is the Takigawa Daini HS band from Kobe Japan. Kobe was not effected in the recent earthquakes/ tsunami in Japan, so they have chosen to continue with the trip as planned.
Wednesday March 23rd – Joint Concert @ Downey Theatre 7pm
Thursday March 24th – band festival @ Kennedy HS (warren band participating, japanese band attending to watch)
Friday March 25th – Takigawa band visiting Warren HS classes. The Takigawa band will perform at Warren HS at 2:45pm and then have an exchange dinner with the Warren band.
Saturday March 26th – Takigawa band visiting and performing at Disneyland
Sunday – the following Wednesday – the Takigawa band will be doing sight seeing activities.
“The band students and I are looking forward to this experience because we hope to broaden our global perspective. We hope to learn from our Japense friends and also show them what the American HS band experience is like. We are planning many small things with them so we can share with them our generosity.”
Tickets are at the door or can be purchased for 5 dollars in advance from:
David M. Niemeyer – Band Director
Warren High School
562-869-7306 x5616
Room – Stadium 201